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The Math behind Google’s PageRank

Posted By Lid On December 7, 2006 @ 6:05 am In Google | Comments Disabled

Google’s Page Rank Algoritm in its original form [1] 

If you can understand this, there is a good chance you will want to read the American Mathematical Society’s [2] feature article “ How Google finds your Needle in the Web’s Haystack [3]” The article describes Google’s PageRank algorithm and how it returns pages from the Web’s collection of 25 billion documents. According to David Austin [4] from Grand Valley State University [5], the trick is to ask the Web itself to rank the importance of pages. I wish you luck!

Article printed from BlogWell: http://blog-well.com

URL to article: http://blog-well.com/2006/12/07/the-math-behind-googles-pagerank/

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: http://blog-well.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/pagerank.gif

[2] American Mathematical Society’s: http://www.ams.org/

[3] How Google finds your Needle in the Web’s Haystack: http://www.ams.org/featurecolumn/archive/pagerank.html#2

[4] David Austin: http://merganser.math.gvsu.edu/david/

[5] Grand Valley State University: http://www.gvs.edu/

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