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Akismet Spam Filter

Posted By Lid On June 15, 2007 @ 7:11 pm In WordPress | No Comments

Automattic [1] Kismet ( Akismet [2] for short), is open source software [3] that deals with spam in comments and trackbacks on blogs. 

The product is brilliant and has caught most of the comment spam on my WordPress [4] blog, but, as is annoyingly typical, the bad guys have worked out the tricks.  [Don’t think for one minute that this makes the bad guys smarter than us; it’s just they get to see what we're doing, we don’t get to see what they are doing - until they’ve done it!]

The way the bad guys are getting around Akismet is by writing short, sweet, and generic comments such as “Hi, very good site”

/2007/06/15/akismet_spam/print/akismetspam12.jpg [5]

I’m not sure about other blogging software, but within WordPress, there is an option to moderate comments which I have turned on, and it offers me the above information, asking me whether I want to approve it, or treat it as spam before it is posted.  At a glance, I can easily see that it is spam and delete it.

So for now, I’m getting help from WordPress in dealing with it, but I have much faith in the worlds number 1 Matt [6] and Akismet; they’ll work out a solution – fast!

More about this on SEO Black Hat [7].

Article printed from BlogWell: http://blog-well.com

URL to article: http://blog-well.com/2007/06/15/akismet-spam/

URLs in this post:

[1] Automattic: http://automattic.com/

[2] Akismet: http://akismet.com/

[3] open source software: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source_software

[4] WordPress: http://wordpress.com

[5] Image: http://blog-well.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/akismetspam12.jpg

[6] Matt: http://photomatt.net/

[7] SEO Black Hat: http://seoblackhat.com/2007/06/10/beating-akismet-with-short-comment-spam/

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