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WordPress WordCamp 2007
Posted By Lid On June 25, 2007 @ 3:16 pm In WordPress | 2 Comments
Automattic [1] is holding a weekend workshop for WordPress [2] users and developers.
WordCamp 2007 [3], in typical Automattic style, is all about getting people together so they can share stuff, learn stuff and have a great time; at minimum cost – $25. Space is limited so register [4] – quick!
Great speakers, talking about cool subjects [5] include:
Barry Abrahamson [6]: Systems Wrangler for Automattic [1]
Michael Adams [7]: Quantum Bug Creator, Automattic
Ryan Boren [8]: Head Janitor, Automattic
Lloyd Budd [9]: Automattic
Matt Cutts [10]: Head of Google’s Web spam team
Liz Danzico [11]: Information Architect, Happy Cog [12] and Editor-in-chief, Boxes and Arrows [13]
John Dvorak [14]: Columnist, Author, Editor, Broadcaster
Robert Hoekman, Jr [15]: Usability Specialist
Mark Jaquith [16]: WordPress Ninja for b5media [17]
Dan Kuykendall [18]: Author of PodPress [19]
Om Malik [20]: Blogger, Author, Senior Writer for Business 2.0 Magazine [21]
Matt Mullenweg [22]: Founding Developer of WordPress, CBBQTT Automattic
Rashmi Sinha [23]: Founding Principal, Uzanto [24]
Andy Skeleton [25]: Code Wrangler, Automattic
Lorelle VanFossen [26]: Public Speaker, Writer, Consultant, and WordPress Guru [2]
Dave Winer [27]: Father of RSS
Jeremy Wright [28]: Entrepreneur, Author, President of b5media [29]
When: Saturday July 21 and Sunday July 22, 2007
Where: Swedish American Hall [30], 2174 Market Street, San Francisco, CA
Article printed from BlogWell: http://blog-well.com
URL to article: http://blog-well.com/2007/06/25/wordpress-wordcamp-2007/
URLs in this post:
[1] Automattic: http://automattic.com
[2] WordPress: http://wordpress.org
[3] WordCamp 2007: http://2007.wordcamp.org/
[4] register: http://2007.wordcamp.org/register/
[5] cool subjects: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/
[6] Barry Abrahamson: http://barry.wordpress.com/
[7] Michael Adams: http://blogwaffe.com/
[8] Ryan Boren: http://boren.nu/
[9] Lloyd Budd: http://foolswisdom.com/
[10] Matt Cutts: http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/
[11] Liz Danzico: http://www.happycog.com/about/danzico/
[12] Happy Cog: http://www.happycog.com
[13] Boxes and Arrows: http://www.boxesandarrows.com/
[14] John Dvorak: http://www.dvorak.org/blog/
[15] Robert Hoekman, Jr: http://www.rhjr.net/
[16] Mark Jaquith: http://txfx.net/
[17] b5media: http://www.b5media.com
[18] Dan Kuykendall: http://www.mightyseek.com/
[19] PodPress: http://www.mightyseek.com/podpress/
[20] Om Malik: http://gigaom.com
[21] Business 2.0 Magazine: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/business2/
[22] Matt Mullenweg: http://photomatt.net/
[23] Rashmi Sinha: http://www.rashmisinha.com/
[24] Uzanto: http://www.uzanto.com/
[25] Andy Skeleton: http://andy.wordpress.com/
[26] Lorelle VanFossen: http://lorelle.wordpress.com/
[27] Dave Winer: http://www.scripting.com/
[28] Jeremy Wright: http://www.b5media.com/jeremy-wright
[29] b5media: http://www.b5media.com/
[30] Swedish American Hall: http://www.swedishamericanhall.com/
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