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WordCamp 2007
Posted By Lid On July 27, 2007 @ 12:48 pm In WordPress | 6 Comments
WordCamp 2007 [1]is now over {sad face}, but I just wanted to say thank you [2] to Matt [3], Maia [4], Team Automattic [5], all the brilliant speakers [6], and all of the WordCamp sponsors [7]: Layered Technologies [8], mediatemple [9], DreamHost [10], and ServerBeach [10] – for giving us a chance to learn all things WordPress [11] – all in the spirit of the open source community. Who else would give you two days for $25….?!
Much has been written about the conference so I won’t add more, but here are the links to what some of the speakers had to say after the event (in order of speaking):
Saturday July 21, 2007
by Dan Kuykendall [13], speaking on podcasting, [14]and author of PodPress [15],
by John Dvorak [17], speaking on journalism vs. blogging [18] with Om Malik [19]
by WordPress Guru [21]Lorelle VanFossen [22], speaking on “ Kicking Ass Content Connections [23]”
* Lorelle has put her Kicking Ass Content Connections presentation [24] online for anyone who wants to learn more…
by Jeremy Wright [26], speaking on Blog Monetization [27]
* Jeremy has included his powerpoint deck on his post
by Lloyd Budd [29], and
by Mark Jaquith [31],
who spoke about “Getting involved with WordPress” [32]
by Robert Hoekman [34]
* Robert has not posted (yet ) his WordCamp experience, but you can read his intro –
Designing the obvious at WordCamp 2007 [35] on his site.
by Matt Cutts [37]- not really a response to WordCamp, but part of his WordCamp 2007 [1] presentation “ Whitehat SEO Tips for bloggers [38].”
Sunday – July 22, 2007
by Matt Mullenweg and
by Barry Abrahamson [41], who spoke about “ HyperDB and High Performance WordPress [42]”
* Matt and Barry’s
High performance WordPress presentation [43] is available on
Slideshare [44]
by Jeremy Zilar [46] who spoke about – “ Blogs at the New York Times [47]“ - stuff that he has done to get NYT blogs to where they are.
has yet to post anything re WordCamp 2007, but keep watching her blog, she just might! Rashmi spoke about ” Designing Massively Multiplayer Social Systems [49]”
Andy sang at WordCamp 2007 – if anyone has video – please let me know – not happy I didn’t film it…. Thanks
spoke about the “
Past, present, and future of Web publishing [52]” but has not (yet) posted any comment on his blog about WordCamp – I’m hoping he will soon, because his perception of this world is too interesting to keep private … so please hurry Mr. Winer.
* I have an audio recording of his presentation which I will upload soon – stay tuned!
Liz Danzico [54], of
Happy Cog [55]who spoke about
Usability Analysis of WordPress [56] (who, by the way, should add WordPress to their list of clients
Matt [3] on “ The State of the Word [57]” – details, details, please….
Developer Duke Out [58] - waiting….
Photos available at Flickr [59] – WordCamp 2007 photos [60]
Videos are available at Viddler [61] – WordCamp 2007 videos [62]
Also, sorry for the delay in posting – am on vacation with my little people and the MOTH - (WordPress fans too) in Cancun – Internet access not so great….
Article printed from BlogWell: http://blog-well.com
URL to article: http://blog-well.com/2007/07/27/wordcamp-2007/
URLs in this post:
[1] WordCamp 2007 : http://2007.wordcamp.org/
[2] thank you: http://blog.wired.com/photos/uncategorized/smiley_face.jpg
[3] Matt: http://photomatt.net
[4] Maia: http://mayadesai.wordpress.com/
[5] Team Automattic: http://automattic.com/about/
[6] brilliant speakers: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/
[7] WordCamp sponsors: http://2007.wordcamp.org/sponsors/
[8] Layered Technologies: http://www.layeredtech.com/
[9] mediatemple: http://www.mediatemple.net/
[10] DreamHost: http://dreamhost.com/
[11] WordPress: http://wordpress.org
[12] WordPress experience: http://www.mightyseek.com/podcasting/wordcamp-experience
[13] Dan Kuykendall: http://www.mightyseek.com/
[14] speaking on podcasting, : http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/podcasting/
[15] PodPress: http://www.mightyseek.com/podpress
[16] Bloggers gather in San Francisco: http://www.dvorak.org/blog/?p=12743
[17] John Dvorak: http://www.dvorak.org/blog/
[18] journalism vs. blogging: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/blogs-vs-journalism/
[19] Om Malik: http://gigaom.com/
[20] WordCamp 2007: http://lorelle.wordpress.com/2007/07/23/wordcamp-2007/
[21] WordPress Guru: http://lorelle.wordpress.com/
[22] Lorelle VanFossen: http://lorelle.wordpress.com/about/
[23] Kicking Ass Content Connections: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/content-connections/
[24] Kicking Ass Content Connections presentation: http://lorelle.wordpress.com/2007/07/25/wordcamp-2007-kicking-ass-content-connections/
[25] Blog Monetization Session at WordCamp 2007: http://www.ensight.org/archives/2007/07/21/blog-monetization-session-wordcamp-2007/
[26] Jeremy Wright: http://www.ensight.org/
[27] Blog Monetization: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/blog-monetization/
[28] Word : http://foolswisdom.com/word/
[29] Lloyd Budd: http://foolswisdom.com/
[30] WordCamp 2007: http://markjaquith.wordpress.com/2007/06/28/wordcamp-2007/
[31] Mark Jaquith: http://markjaquith.wordpress.com/
[32] “Getting involved with WordPress”: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/getting-involved/
[33] Designing the obvious: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/designing-the-obvious/
[34] Robert Hoekman: http://www.rhjr.net/theblog
[35] Designing the obvious at WordCamp 2007: http://rhjr.net/theblog/2007/06/22/designing-the-obvious-at-wordcamp/
[36] Avoid keyword stuffing: http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/avoid-keyword-stuffing/
[37] Matt Cutts : http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/
[38] Whitehat SEO Tips for bloggers: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/search-engine-optimization/
[39] WordCamp Roundups: http://photomatt.net/2007/07/26/wordcamp-roundups/
[40] High performance WordPress presentation: http://barry.wordpress.com/2007/07/22/high-performance-wordpress/
[41] Barry Abrahamson: http://barry.wordpress.com/
[42] HyperDB and High Performance WordPress: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/hyperdb-and-performance/
[43] High performance WordPress presentation: http://www.slideshare.net/bazza/high-performance-wordpress
[44] Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/
[45] WordCampers : http://silencematters.com/2007/07/23/wordcampers/
[46] Jeremy Zilar: http://silencematters.com
[47] Blogs at the New York Times: http://nytimes.com/ref/topnews/blog-index.html
[48] Rashmi Sinha, Ph.D.: http://www.rashmisinha.com/
[49] Designing Massively Multiplayer Social Systems: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/iterative-design/
[50] Andy Skeleton: http://skeltoac.com/
[51] Dave Winer: http://www.scripting.com/
[52] Past, present, and future of Web publishing: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/past-present-future/
[53] How not to get noticed: http://bobulate.com/2007/07/22/how-not-to-get-noticed/
[54] Liz Danzico: http://bobulate.com/
[55] Happy Cog : http://http://www.happycog.com/
[56] Usability Analysis of WordPress: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/wp-usability/
[57] The State of the Word: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/state-of-the-word/
[58] Developer Duke Out: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/developer-duke-out/
[59] Flickr: http://www.flickr.com
[60] WordCamp 2007 photos: http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=wordcamp+2007
[61] Viddler: http://www.viddler.com/
[62] WordCamp 2007 videos: http://www.viddler.com/search/?searchString=wordcamp+2007
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