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WordCamp 2007

Posted By Lid On July 27, 2007 @ 12:48 pm In WordPress | 6 Comments

WordCamp 2007 [1]is now over {sad face}, but I just wanted to say thank you [2] to Matt [3]Maia [4], Team Automattic [5], all the brilliant speakers [6], and all of the WordCamp sponsors [7]: Layered Technologies [8], mediatemple [9], DreamHost [10], and ServerBeach [10] – for giving us a chance to learn all things WordPress [11] – all in the spirit of the open source community.  Who else would give you two days for $25….?!

Much has been written about the conference so I won’t add more, but here are the links to what some of the speakers had to say after the event (in order of speaking):

Saturday July 21, 2007

WordPress experience [12]

by Dan Kuykendall [13], speaking on podcasting, [14]and author of PodPress [15],

Bloggers gather in San Francisco [16]

by John Dvorak [17], speaking on journalism vs. blogging [18] with Om Malik [19]

WordCamp 2007 [20] 

by  WordPress Guru [21]Lorelle VanFossen [22], speaking on “ Kicking Ass Content Connections [23]

 * Lorelle has put her Kicking Ass Content Connections presentation [24] online for anyone who wants to learn more…

Blog Monetization Session at WordCamp 2007 [25] 

by Jeremy Wright [26], speaking on  Blog Monetization [27]

* Jeremy has included his powerpoint deck on his post

Word [28]

by Lloyd Budd [29], and

WordCamp 2007 [30] 

by Mark Jaquith [31],

who spoke about “Getting involved with WordPress” [32]

Designing the obvious [33]

by Robert Hoekman [34]

* Robert has not posted (yet :-) ) his WordCamp experience, but you can read his intro –   Designing the obvious at WordCamp 2007 [35] on his site.

Avoid keyword stuffing [36]

by Matt Cutts [37]- not really a response to WordCamp, but part of his WordCamp 2007 [1] presentation “ Whitehat SEO Tips for bloggers [38].”

Sunday – July 22, 2007 

WordCamp Roundups [39] 

by Matt Mullenweg and

High performance WordPress presentation [40]

by Barry Abrahamson [41], who spoke about “ HyperDB and High Performance WordPress [42]

* Matt and Barry’s High performance WordPress presentation [43] is available on Slideshare [44]

WordCampers [45] 

by Jeremy Zilar [46] who spoke about – “ Blogs at the New York Times [47]“ - stuff that he has done to get NYT blogs to where they are.

Rashmi Sinha, Ph.D. [48]

has yet to post anything re WordCamp 2007, but keep watching her blog, she just might!  Rashmi spoke about ” Designing Massively Multiplayer Social Systems [49]

Andy Skeleton [50]

Andy sang at WordCamp 2007 – if anyone has video – please let me know – not happy I didn’t film it….  Thanks

Dave Winer [51]

spoke about the “ Past, present, and future of Web publishing [52]” but has not (yet) posted any comment on his blog about WordCamp – I’m hoping he will soon, because his perception of this world is too interesting to keep private … so please hurry Mr. Winer.  :)

* I have an audio recording of his presentation which I will upload soon – stay tuned!

How not to get noticed [53]

by Liz Danzico [54],  of Happy Cog [55]who spoke about  Usability Analysis of WordPress [56] (who, by the way, should add WordPress to their list of clients :)

Matt [3] on “ The State of the Word [57]” – details, details, please….

Developer Duke Out [58] - waiting…. :)

Photos available at Flickr [59] WordCamp 2007 photos [60]

Videos are available at Viddler [61] WordCamp 2007 videos [62]

Also, sorry for the delay in posting – am on vacation with my little people and the MOTH - (WordPress fans too) in Cancun – Internet access not so great….

Article printed from BlogWell: http://blog-well.com

URL to article: http://blog-well.com/2007/07/27/wordcamp-2007/

URLs in this post:

[1] WordCamp 2007 : http://2007.wordcamp.org/

[2] thank you: http://blog.wired.com/photos/uncategorized/smiley_face.jpg

[3] Matt: http://photomatt.net

[4] Maia: http://mayadesai.wordpress.com/

[5] Team Automattic: http://automattic.com/about/

[6] brilliant speakers: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/

[7] WordCamp sponsors: http://2007.wordcamp.org/sponsors/

[8] Layered Technologies: http://www.layeredtech.com/

[9] mediatemple: http://www.mediatemple.net/

[10] DreamHost: http://dreamhost.com/

[11] WordPress: http://wordpress.org

[12] WordPress experience: http://www.mightyseek.com/podcasting/wordcamp-experience

[13] Dan Kuykendall: http://www.mightyseek.com/

[14] speaking on podcasting, : http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/podcasting/

[15] PodPress: http://www.mightyseek.com/podpress

[16] Bloggers gather in San Francisco: http://www.dvorak.org/blog/?p=12743

[17] John Dvorak: http://www.dvorak.org/blog/

[18] journalism vs. blogging: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/blogs-vs-journalism/

[19] Om Malik: http://gigaom.com/

[20] WordCamp 2007: http://lorelle.wordpress.com/2007/07/23/wordcamp-2007/

[21] WordPress Guru: http://lorelle.wordpress.com/

[22] Lorelle VanFossen: http://lorelle.wordpress.com/about/

[23] Kicking Ass Content Connections: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/content-connections/

[24] Kicking Ass Content Connections presentation: http://lorelle.wordpress.com/2007/07/25/wordcamp-2007-kicking-ass-content-connections/

[25] Blog Monetization Session at WordCamp 2007: http://www.ensight.org/archives/2007/07/21/blog-monetization-session-wordcamp-2007/

[26] Jeremy Wright: http://www.ensight.org/

[27] Blog Monetization: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/blog-monetization/

[28] Word : http://foolswisdom.com/word/

[29] Lloyd Budd: http://foolswisdom.com/

[30] WordCamp 2007: http://markjaquith.wordpress.com/2007/06/28/wordcamp-2007/

[31] Mark Jaquith: http://markjaquith.wordpress.com/

[32] “Getting involved with WordPress”: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/getting-involved/

[33] Designing the obvious: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/designing-the-obvious/

[34] Robert Hoekman: http://www.rhjr.net/theblog

[35] Designing the obvious at WordCamp 2007: http://rhjr.net/theblog/2007/06/22/designing-the-obvious-at-wordcamp/

[36] Avoid keyword stuffing: http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/avoid-keyword-stuffing/

[37] Matt Cutts : http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/

[38] Whitehat SEO Tips for bloggers: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/search-engine-optimization/

[39] WordCamp Roundups: http://photomatt.net/2007/07/26/wordcamp-roundups/

[40] High performance WordPress presentation: http://barry.wordpress.com/2007/07/22/high-performance-wordpress/

[41] Barry Abrahamson: http://barry.wordpress.com/

[42] HyperDB and High Performance WordPress: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/hyperdb-and-performance/

[43] High performance WordPress presentation: http://www.slideshare.net/bazza/high-performance-wordpress

[44] Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/

[45] WordCampers : http://silencematters.com/2007/07/23/wordcampers/

[46] Jeremy Zilar: http://silencematters.com

[47] Blogs at the New York Times: http://nytimes.com/ref/topnews/blog-index.html

[48] Rashmi Sinha, Ph.D.: http://www.rashmisinha.com/

[49] Designing Massively Multiplayer Social Systems: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/iterative-design/

[50] Andy Skeleton: http://skeltoac.com/

[51] Dave Winer: http://www.scripting.com/

[52] Past, present, and future of Web publishing: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/past-present-future/

[53] How not to get noticed: http://bobulate.com/2007/07/22/how-not-to-get-noticed/

[54] Liz Danzico: http://bobulate.com/

[55] Happy Cog : http://http://www.happycog.com/

[56] Usability Analysis of WordPress: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/wp-usability/

[57] The State of the Word: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/state-of-the-word/

[58] Developer Duke Out: http://2007.wordcamp.org/schedule/developer-duke-out/

[59] Flickr: http://www.flickr.com

[60] WordCamp 2007 photos: http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=wordcamp+2007

[61] Viddler: http://www.viddler.com/

[62] WordCamp 2007 videos: http://www.viddler.com/search/?searchString=wordcamp+2007

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