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WordPress Plugin: Simple Image Link

Posted By MadLid On September 14, 2008 @ 1:20 am In WordPress | 12 Comments

So you want to put an ad or an image in your sidebar. And you want it to link to another site. And you want to do it easily, without having to muck about with the code in the text widget.

While there are many WordPress plugins that offer sophisticated ad management, there are not many that offer a simple solution.

Well, we are pleased to announce a new WordPress Plugin – Simple Image Link.

WP Simple Image Link lets you easily add images to your sidebar, be they advertisements, buttons of support or buttons of protest without the need for any HTML.

Adding Ads: No longer tricky  – Now easy

So instead of having to put all this code in your text widget:

All you have to do is fill in this form:

And Voila! It is easily added to your sidebar:

Naming Your Ads/Images

Also, imagine if you have 8 or more text widgets in your sidebar. It would be hit and miss trying to locate the correct image as they can not be named; was it on the 6th, or the 5th? Nope it was the 7th widget.

So if you include eight Image Link widgets in your sidebar, it is easier to figure out which is which because you can name them:

Pretty simple don’t you think?

You can download WordPress Simple Image Link [1] and read about it in more detail on our download page.

If you can think of any ways to improve this plugin or just have questions, please leave us a note and we’ll get back to you asap.

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URL to article: http://blog-well.com/2008/09/14/wordpress-plugin-simple-image-link/

URLs in this post:

[1] WordPress Simple Image Link: http://blog-well.com/downloads/wordpress-image-link-plugin/

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