Archive for the 'Rants' Category

If Google, Ask, and Yahoo! can do it – why cant Live?

Go to Google, or Ask, or Yahoo!

Search for something – anything – subject doesn’t matter.

Scroll half way down the results page and click on any link; link doesn’t matter, scrolling does.

Then hit the back arrow in your browser.

What do you see?

Yep, you are back at the results page – butthe page is positioned where you left it.

Now try the same thing in Live – and whaddayaknow?

You are back at the top of your results page.

While this may not be a big deal for many people, those of us who use the Internet daily find it really, um, trying.

Speaking of trying – one more thing,

Researchers tend to split their screens in half; web browser on one side, word processing on the other. 

Most web sites scale well. When they are minimized, all the relevant information is displayed.

Out of these four sites, take a guess at which doesn’t scale well?

Live Blog

Ask Blog

Google Webmasters Blog

Yahoo! blog

Thought for the day: Does everyone miss Billy, or is it just me?

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