The Cluetrain Manifesto

The Cluetrain Manifesto was written ten years ago by four great Webcelebs; Rick Levine, Christopher Locke, Doc Searls and David Weinberger. It’s targeted at businesses that want to understand their customers better, and turns your understanding of marketing and communications on its head.

From Chapter 1: Internet Apocalypso

The question is whether, as a company, you can afford to have more than an advertising-jingle persona. Can you put yourself out there: say what you think in your own voice, present who you really are, show what you really care about? Do you have any genuine passion to share? Can you deal with such honesty? Such exposure? Human beings are often magnificent in this regard, while companies, frankly, tend to suck. For most large corporations, even considering these questions - and they’re being forced to do so by both Internet and intranet - is about as exciting as the offer of an experimental brain transplant.

Blogged Directory

Launched in February 2008, Blogged is a clean, fresh looking, human edited blog directory.

Once you submit your blog (free), the editors check it out, and if it passes muster, they include it. When I submitted BlogWell, it was reviewed within 24 hours.

From their about page:

Our blogs are reviewed, rated, and categorized by our editors, so you won’t have to experience the frustration of filtering through blogs that are either spam, outdated, or irrelevant.

52 easy ways to optimize your blog while on your coffee break

Jennifer has put together a brilliant list that describes how to optimize your blog, and each tip takes no longer than 15 minutes (your coffee break) to implement.

Do yourself a favor and bookmark this post.

Add your blog to your email signature
Yes, many of us are lazy and don’t add a signature to our emails, whether it is because we send out emails that are totally not related to the blog, or just one of those things that has been on the to do list forever. Add a blog and a short tag line to intrigue people to visit. You never know, your daughter’s softball coach might actually be a fan of whatever you blog about and your signature just got you a new reader.

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  1. 6 April 2008 12:01

    Lid… You bring up a very valuable (and powerful) point about adding your blog to your e-mail signatures. With so many blogs utilizing the free services of FeedBurner, there’s a very easy way to do this.

    I found this tutorial on adding a custom headline-scroller to the signature area of your e-mails that automatically updates itself with your most recent posts. There are several work-arounds available for each of the most popular e-mail software packages as well as for many web-based mail services.

    Using this method has not only increased the number of people visiting my blog, but has helped demonstrate to my clients and potential clients one of the small, yet powerful advantages of blogging for business.

    Here’s the URL:

  2. 15 April 2008 20:54


    I do have my blog address on my signature in my e-mail. And yes people have started to view my blog and I have some followers now. Very exciting for me, as my stats have sored.

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